YIRS always committed to providing our customers with the most precise and valuable parts products, we are very happy to accept customized project business such as high precision and complex parts requirements.
. And we work very closely with our customers in the product development cycle from prototype to mass production.

OEM/ODM Customized components development and manufacturing capabilities

YIRS has the ability of customized manufacturing and industry development. From material selection, turning and milling to post-processing finished products are strictly controlled, we adopt the most efficient method, from material feeding, reduce labor operations to finished products, we make products more efficient. By doing this method, it can also achieve the maximum economic production capacity in the fastest way, shorten the delivery time, and effectively control the quality to meet the requirements of customer specifications. In the field of CNC, R&D and the manufacturing process of customized final products, we are confident that we can achieve product cost, product quality and reliability, economical manufacturing scale, etc. to meet the needs, and become a permanent OEM partner of customers, grow and expand together that to create a win-win situation.
